Update – Developments at FFC and use of Fielders Meadow
The Friends of Bishops Park have been having ongoing dialogue with H&F Council, Fulham Football Club (FFC) and the Church Commissioners about the development of the Riverside Stand and the partial use of Fielders Meadow for a two year period as a site to store materials etc. whilst this development takes place. There have been many questions around whether this is an appropriate use of the park, even for a temporary period.
Whilst many residents have expressed their concerns we have tried to have then addressed by the relevant parties and have sought assurances that any damage to the fabric of the park is dealt with once the works are completed. There are significant financial incentives attached to FFC leasing this part of the park which is separate to the S106 money attached the approved planning application.
Total benefit of S106 £1.38M, broken down as follows:
- £600,000 Bishops Park Restoration payment
- £400,000 to cover maintenance over 10 years
- £60,000 Heritage Gates contribution
- £50,000 upgrading of toilet block (a major complaint by users of the park)
- £100,000 towards refurbishment of the pitch (open area)
- £50,000 towards removal of Japanese Knotweed
The Council’s Arborist will be dealing with the trees issue i.e. removal of and pollarding of trees. Any trees removed will be replaced 2-1 in the area where they have been removed.
Agreement with FFC to appoint a point person with whom residents can liaise in the event of any issues; name and contact details to be provided in due course.
The Friends are also in discussions with the Council / FFC to ensure the hours of work and noise, especially relating to pilling work, will not adversely impact on the local community.

Please see the residents letter and map for further information.
Voice YOUR concerns to: Ian Ross / David Page quoting the reference: RSD/IR/BP