Welcome to the Friends of Bishops Park

River view in Bishops Park, credit Alex Gee

Being a member of The Friends of Bishops Park ensures you are informed of critical matters involving the park and provides a voice for your views. For more details of the latest developments in the park, please visit our News section.

Objects of The Friends

The objects of the Friends shall be for the public benefit to secure the preservation, protection and improvement of Bishops Park as a place of historic and ecological interest and beauty and recreational use; to promote the conservation of the natural plant, animal and bird life of the Park and educate the public in the history, natural history and other aspects of the Park.

Calendar of Events

Dates subject to change without notice

Gardening Group

First Wednesday of the month

Any additional days – will be communicated via the Whatsapp Group.

Meet at 9.15 by the bowling green/Teahouse cafΓ© in the park

Please email chair.bishparkfriends@gmail.com if you would like to be added to the Whatsapp Group

Litter Collection

All welcome to join our lovely litterpickers (under 18s must be accompanied by an adult)

Sunday afternoons – timings vary depending on season/weather. Meet by the water fountain by the entrance to the sandpit

Please email chair.bishparkfriends@gmail.com if you would like to be added to the Whatsapp Group.



Storm Damage and Tree Donation

Please report any fallen trees or damage in H&F to the Highways and Environment teams on 020 8748 8588. More emergency Out of Hours contact information can be found here: https://www.lbhf.gov.uk/emergencies-and-safety/emergency-out-hours-information

You can donate trees to create a long lasting tribute to a person or special occasion via the Council website. https://www.lbhf.gov.uk/environment/trees

Park Opening

Click on News for updates on the use of the park.

The park is open from dawn to dusk. During winter closing time varies.

Gardening Club & Litterpicking Group

The Friends of Bishop’s Park Gardening Club meet on the first Wednesday of most months to carry out general work around the park under the aegis of the park’s Head Gardener. 

The Litterpicking Group meets most Sunday afternoons at the fountain by the entrance to the sandpit. Times vary, please join the WhatsApp group to be kept in the loop.

Thank you to all who volunteer and work in the park.

If you would like to volunteer and be part of the Gardening or Litterpicking Club please email with your contact details and you will be added to the WhatsApp group: secretary.friendsofbishopspark@gmail.com

Link to newspaper article